I Dislike Awnings If I’m Not on a Bar Patio When It’s Raining

So our house had two awnings. One small one on the garage and one on the front door. They were older and they didn’t match the house. I also find they block a lot of light. Hate is a strong word but man, do I hate awnings. Ewwwy is my superficial position on them.

Thankfully I am one of the lucky ones and my other half and I agree on almost everything when it comes to aesthetics and design, which is huge when that is a big part of your chosen professions. (Phew)

We both wanted those awnings out. ASAP.

To remove them, grab your trusty drill and put it in reverse to remove the screws. Make sure you have another person or persons holding it up for you so it doesn’t land on your head when it detaches. For us many of the screws were stripped and rusted. We had to use a hammer to nudge parts of it.


Awning in place over the door

Awning in place over the door. Excuse the garbage the past owners left.

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